Today is the start of the #FearlessWoman Summer Series! I’m pleased to introduce today’s feature, Breanne Stewart. I’ve been friends with this strong, faithful and purpose driven wife since my family and I moved to Columbia, MD about 5 or so years ago. She actually interviewed and hired me for my 1st job in the area at Bakers Shoes in Colimbia Mall. When we met, I remember thinking what an independent and hard working young lady she was. I admired her work ethic and care free spirit, but I always knew Bakers wasn’t the end for her. I knew she had more to do and I knew her story was just beginning.
Watching her grow has been a joy and I’ve learned so much from her along the way. She is now a mother of two beautiful children, a wife, and an entrepreneur. Most imporrantly, Breanne is a woman of God who is serious about God’s business. I hope that you are inspired by her mission and life as much as I’ve been. And if you’re in the DMV area, I strongly suggest you attend her upcoming play and women’s conference. Details below…enjoy and be inspired!
What’s a typical day for Breanne?
A typical day for me starts at 7 a.m. I thank God for another day and I pray for my family, friends, and my church. I also call or text my mom good morning and talk/text for about 10 minutes about how Good God is and we share our prayer requests. Afterwards, I make my children breakfast and sing to them every morning.
Around 5 or 6 p.m., I start cooking dinner for my husband and children. After dinner I give my kids a bath, and we have reading time. Sometimes they go right to sleep and other times they love to stay up. The nights they stay, up we usually watch a movie in bed and that works every time! After my children fall asleep, I spend bonding with my husband; we talk about our day, watch movies, and make each other laugh.
By the time I fall sleep its about 12 or 1 a.m. and before I close my eyes, I pray again to God for thanking him for my life and the lives of all the people love.
What inspired you to start Breanne Stewart Ministries?
What inspired me to Create Breanne Stewart Ministries, was based off a vision that God gave me overnight. He told me that He wanted me to create a women’s ministry that will empower, inspire, and motivate women of all races, and nationalities. After that encounter i had with God, i realized that this was something i had to do, or i wouldn’t have peace of mind.
What is your definition of a #FearlessWoman?
My definition is a woman who does not care about what other people think. A #FearlessWoman accepts that she may not always get it right, but she will get up and try again. In order to be a #FearlessWoman, you have love and accept yourself for who you are. Never settle for less or dim your light to make others feel comfortable to be around you. Most importantly, a #FearlessWoman must know they are fearfully and wonderfully made by God.
Advice for women entrepreneurs.
Never to give up. There will be times you question yourself, as well as times others will question if you are the real deal. You will also realize that the same friends you had before when you were dreaming about your business or ministry are no where to be found. It’s okay…it may hurt a little, but you will be okay. Now that your dream has transformed into your reality, you must know and understand not everyone will applaud or celebrate you. Sometimes your haters can be closer than your friends; it can be your own family. They want to keep you in the past, because it makes them feel more comfortable. Truth is, in order to grow and go to the next level, you have to be willing to be uncomfortable, that is the only way you will grow and see your full potential.
Who are your top 3 women inspirations?
I actually have 4, lol…
My Mother – She has taught me how to be strong and to walk by faith, not by sight. She is not only my mother, but she’s also my teacher. I wouldn’t be the woman I am today without her. She was the first person who introduced me to God, and encourage me to have an active relationship with him.
My Godmother/Mentor – Rev. Lisa Robinson has taught me to never apologize for my gift and anointing. She’s also taught me to embrace and accept who I am in Christ. She always tells me that, “no one has a heaven or hell to put you in, so do you.” If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t be the #FearlessWoman I am today.
My Best Friend – Amanda Rhead has taught me to be selfless, humble, and giving. She has shown this to me, by expressing the same qualities to me. Before we became friends, I was a very selfish person, I truly believe God put her in my life for a reason. She is most giving person I know, and I thank God for her every day.
Iyanla Vanzant– Minister, author, poet, and life coach; she’s amazing! Through watching her teachings and reading her books, she has shown me how to forgive others and what it truly means to forgive them. I’ve learned from her that forgiveness sets you free, it doesn’t mean what a person did to you was okay, but you refuse to let that person have power over you. I have learned that forgiveness does not come naturally, it something that has to be taught. Learning how to forgive saved my life.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In 5 years I see Breanne Stewart Ministries on the road, traveling from city to city, state to state spreading the word of God. I see my husband and I owning our first home, and having another baby. I also see myself receiving many awards, including being on the award show “Black Girls Rock“. I see myself just growing closer to God, where I don’t need or want for nothing. I believe God will fulfill these promises to me and my family, in Jesus name.
What’s next for Breanne and how can we keep up with you?
I have an upcoming play on June 20th and I’m really excited about that! I also have a women’s empowerment conference, “Celebrate Me or Not, Here I Come”, on July 10th. It’s going to be an awesome experience! Be sure to follow along with me at Breanne Stewart Ministries for more information. I hope to see you all there!
Thanks for sharing Breanne with us, Whitney! She is indeed inspirational and the true definition of a fearless woman! I love what she said about learning to not care about what others think of you and focusing solely on what God has called you to accomplish! So wish I was in the DMV area to be able to attend the empowerment conference! It sounds amazing!
Feel Great Fashion
I wish you were in the area too, Robyn. I will be sure to post about the event…thanks for reading!
Beautiful woman with a beautiful spirit.
Indeed! 🙂
Great feature! I can tell she is truly a fearless woman of God, and she gave great advice!
Kasi recently posted…Black Crop Top + Mint Green Lace Skirt
She really is. Thanks so much for reading, Kasi!
Very inspirational woman. Thanks for sharing with us.
March and May
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Fearless Women are just plain incredible! May we be them, may we know them, may we raise them! Thank you for linking up with #SmallVictoriesSundayLinkup 6/21/15
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