Have you ever wished for the seasons to change? One day you’re happy with the warm and sunny forecast and the next, you’re tired of the heat. You then find yourself wishing for fall to hurry up and get here. That kind of thinking is similar to the seasons in our lives. One day we’re happy with the way our lives are going. The next day we find ourselves in a tough situation and we start wishing and praying for a change. We’ve all been there and it’s natural. However, I believe wherever we are in our lives, we are to live in that moment. There’s obviously a reason we are where we are at this time. I call this thinking Living in Your Season. This is something I’m working on and understanding more as the days go by.
I’m pretty open with what’s going on in my life here on the blog, but I don’t talk about everything. I do however want to share something that you don’t know. I’ve been going through a tough season for the past few months and only my family (really) knows and understands the depth of it all. While I’m not gravely ill, my health hasn’t been 100% for some time now. Because of this, I’ve experienced an array of emotions – angry, sad, confused…just to name a few. I’ve watched the physical state of my body change and it hasn’t been pleasant. I’ve also watched my energy go from 10 to 0 and that has been the biggest downer for me. I’m usually an upbeat and energetic person. I have a pretty active lifestyle and I enjoy it. But nowadays my energy comes and goes so quickly. All this change is an unfortunate “female issue” (as they say) and to be frank, it sucks.
This season has been really hard, especially because I still have to go about my day to day life as if I’m “fine”. But recently, I’ve made the decision to live in this season. I’ve decided to take this time to devote myself to making a few necessary lifestyle changes. I pray daily and I always read some sort of devotional each morning, but I’m now taking the words and meditations to heart even more. I’m meditating on the words and repeating silent prayers throughout my day. I’ve gone from asking God, “why are you letting me go through this” to “what am I suppose to be learning from all this”. I’m opening myself up to receive whatever it is He’s trying to teach/tell me. I’m trusting that this season won’t last forever and that I will come out on the other side even better. What have I learned so far?
1. This too shall pass.
2. Pay attention to your body and its changes; you know your body better than anyone else.
4. Be proactive about your health.
5. Periodic life AND body cleanses and detoxes are necessary in order to live a healthy lifestyle .
Have you ever been through a tough season in your life? How did you get through it? Let me know!
In doing all of this, I’m realizing that what I’m going through won’t last forever. As long as I continue to take care of myself, physically, mentally and spiritually, I will be able to make it through anything. Until next time, I pray that you all stay blessed and stay safe…XO!
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Thank you Whitney for being real and always encouraging. I may not know what you are going through but God does and He is good to be our healer, comforter and source of strength for each day. Praying for ya. Rachel xo
Ps- I emailed you last night.
Rachel recently posted…Aztec print maxi skirt turned dress
Thanks so much, Rachel. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.
P.S. Responding to your email today…xo!
Sorry it’s not the best time for you. Thinking of you and hope it passes quickly! You are always so positive in your posts, I really would never have known any different. Keep your head up!
Carylee recently posted…The epitome of my style
Thank you, Carylee. 🙂 XO!
I’m so sorry that you are going through this “season”! although we know there is a purpose for each season, some of them are so unpleasant to experience. They do come to teach us something and you are wise to recognize and understand that early on. I am going through my own “seasonal change” right now and boy oh boy does it hurt. But like you I am open to what God is teaching me through this time. I know we will come out stronger and wiser than ever at the end of the season. Just continue to grow through it! (((Hugs)))
Cathy recently posted…Fashion Break: Respect the process
Cathy, I appreciate you. Thanks for those words. I will continue to grow through this, thank you. Continuous prayers and hugs to you too… XO!
I most certainly have!!! It was SOOOO very tough. I didn’t think I would come out better verses bitter! But I am here today and I have to say the choice you are making by putting this all in a seasonal perspective is what took me “day by Day” to accept.
Thank you for sharing this and please continue to be encouraged! You will be better on the other side of this because you have settled this in your spirit! AWESOME!
Liv recently posted…Suicide Awareness and Prevention Day
Thank you for your comment, Liv. I love the “better vs bitter”! I shall continue being encourage, and I pray all is well on your end. XO! 🙂
Hey Doll,
Yes. This too shall pass. I pray for your health restoration and wellness. xo
Natasha B|Fashionably Fabulous recently posted…Fabulous Fall
Thank you, Natasha! I really appreciate your prayers. XO!