When I met LaQuisha Hall, I knew she was destined for greatness. There was no doubt in my mind that I had met a #FearlessWoman. This strong willed, intelligent and lovely survivor is the CEO of Couture’d Confidence and has had much success in the world of pageantry over the past few years. She is also a highly sought after speaker and confidence coach.
I look to her for inspiration on many endevours, and have worked side by side with her or several occasions. LaQuisha is an educator and takes shaping the minds of our young women and men very seriously. She’s my sister in the spirit and someone I know will be in my circle for years to come. Enjoy getting to know LaQuisha a little more and be inspired!
What’s a typical day for LaQuisha?
I get up before the sun daily (even on the weekends!) to pray, blog and answer emails. I am an English teacher by day in Baltimore City Public Schools. After school, I can be found mentoring a group of girls via my Queendom T.E.A. program, in a rehearsal or bible study for church (Open Door Fellowship in Randallstown, Maryland). I also enjoy spending time with my handsome husband, reading books, especially novels by Jodi Picoult, writing and eating a pint of Talenti icecream, lol.
What inspired you to create Couture’d Confidence?
I was inspired by all that I have been able to achieve. I wanted to create an overarching umbrella for all that I do. I am an inspirational speaker, a mentor via my Queendom T.E.A. program, a fashion stylist inspired by my blog, Corner Curl Girl, and an advocate for survivors of sexual abuse and domestic violence implemented through my annual ceremony, SheRose Awards. In all three of these areas my ultimate goal is teach Couture’d (custom-made) Confidence (self-esteem and self-empowerment) which is the name of all 3 of these in one.
3. Who are your top 3 women inspirations, famous or non-famous, and why?
Angel Richardson, CEO of Life Coaches Rock, is a personal friend of mine. She inspires me because she successfully acts on any dream or idea she has and encourages others to do the same. She cheers me on with sincerity when I achieve my own goals. I love her spirit, smile and fierce fabulousity!
Stacia Pierce, CEO of Life Coach 2 Women, is a millionaire entrepreneur who has successfully trained others. Angel (who I just discussed) told me I should follow her. When I did, I fell in love! Soon after following her on social media, I met her in New York. She had no idea who I was but after talking with her she agreed to send me package. About a week later, I received a box full of her some of her coaching materials. Shortly afterwards, I won one of her contests which allowed me free entry to her Florida Success Tour this year. I am looking forward to her annual Women’s Success Conference this summer!
I know you asked me to only choose 3 individual women, but my final choice has to be all women I have encountered who have survived and conquered sexual abuse and domestic violence. These women inspire to keep moving forward with strength and power. They encourage me because sometimes I feel that the stories of abuse have been told enough. Then, I meet another woman who has not yet shared…
One piece of advice you have for women entrepreneurs?
As Kris Kross used to sing, “jump, jump”! Often entrepreneurs will stand by to contemplate and entertain a variety of thoughts. Should they pursue their dream? Should they invest in publishing a book? Should they call someone for advice or help? Is now the time to start a new project idea? The answer to all of these questions is an emphatic yes! Jump, with or without a parachute because even if the landing hurts, you will learn how to do a better jump the next time.
What is your definition of a #FearlessWoman?
A #FearlessWoman is one who can encourage and empower other fearless women. She gives compliments to other women as she passes them on the street. Fearless women overcome past catastrophes with present triumphs and educate others how to do the same. She wears her crown daily and knows how to pray if it begins to tilt. She apologizes when she is wrong and is empathetic to those who are not in the same place she is.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I will be a retired teacher doing what I love full-time: instilling confidence in women and girls. I will successfully launch the Couture’d Confidence clothing and accessory line. I will have at least 3 published books and maybe 1 child (lol).
How Can We Keep Up With You?
Glenda says
Yes! JUMP JUMP. I will remember this fully. This is a great way to view life.
Glenda recently posted…Gauzy
Whitney says
That was my fave line from her feature. Lol…great tip!