I spent time in D.C. this weekend with some of my fellow bloggers and creatives at the Blogger Week conference, held at the Impact Hub on 7th Street. Last year I served as an ambassador and was pleased to serve in the same capacity this year. It always excites me to be surrounded by like-minded people; conversing and networking with other bloggers is such a treat! Although I was unable to stay for the entire day, I made the best of my time while there. Here are 5 things I learned during Blogger Week 2015!
1. Share. I’ve always been good at building relationships, but the older I get I find it more difficult to trust people with certain information in regards to my vision/goals. Attending Blogger Week allowed me to not only meet new people, but also continue working on cultivating relationships with other creatives. Listening to their goals and sharing bits and pieces of mine allowed room for growth. I was able to connect with the right people and I honestly felt we were on the same page. Sharing your visions with others can be scary, but in times like this it’s necessary. You never know who knows who and you just may be surprised how someone can help point you in the right direction.
2. Keep Writing. After listening to Danielle Belton of Black Snob it was clear that I must keep writing. Memorable content is key and figuring out how to fit certain topics and trends into your posts is very important. You have to stay relevant and you have to keep writing. Writing for free? Well, Danielle says nah. I have different views on that, but I understood her point. To me writing for pay (or not) is a personal choice and at times, the exposure you get from writing is payment. Do what works for you, just keep writing!
3. Be Social. Social media can be intimidating, but being social on social media is a must. DC Fab creator Joi-Marie McKenzie suggested that bloggers pick 3 social media sites and stick with them. I agree wholeheartedly with this advice. Sticking to 3 sites and mastering them is better than being on 6 sites and barley engaging on any of them! Know your strengths and work with that. I’m good with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
4. Be Open. Being open to new blog topics will help your brand grow. Collaborating with other bloggers/writers is a good way to get this started. During the How Bloggers Can Help Each Other Drive Traffic panel, 5 bloggers (GG Renee, Erica Nichole , Tyece Wilkins, and Shefon Nachelle) articulated this point extremely well. Working with other bloggers is an excellent way to further connect with your readers on other topics that you may not be too familiar with. Open up and allow those bloggers to share something new with your readers. Bridge the gap and grow, together.
5. Ask Questions. Never be afraid to ask questions. There were so many bloggers and so many different sessions to learn from, so of course people had questions. I for one was so happy to see people ask! How will you ever know if you don’t ask? The panelists were open and honest with their responses, which made the Blogger Week environment comfortable and safe. I had a few questions jotted down in my notebook under each session I planned to attend. Being prepared with questions helps keep me on track and 9 times of of 10, the speakers end up answering those very questions during their speech.
So tell me, what are your thoughts on what I learned during Blogger Week 2015? Were you able to attend? Let me know!
Huge thanks to Jessica for allowing me to be an ambassador once again this year. And shout out to my BLM Girls Jonna and Kim for serving as speakers at the event. You ladies are inspiring…keep it up! Until next time, be blessed and stay safe…xo!
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