Lately I’ve had some really inspiring conversations with some pretty amazing people. Most of whom I speak to on a daily basis, but then others I rarely converse with (except via-social media). These conversations have inspired today’s post. Looking at the title, 10 things I wish I knew 10 years ago, I’m sure you can relate. We all have (at least) 10 things we wish we knew 10 years ago, right? I mean looking back to 10 years ago, I was a 17-year-old aspiring journalist who was out of this world excited about heading to college with my best friend on a soccer scholarship. I was carefree, exuberant, and thought I had all the answers – I was ready for the world! At 27, I do miss somethings about being 17 but for the most part, I wouldn’t want to go back and relive those days. I would however tell myself these 10 things…
1. Mommy & Dad are right. 99% of the time, they’re right. Just listen…and thank yourself later.
2. When people show you who they are, believe them. Maya Angelou said it best and boy is this true! Knowing this will save you a lot of time and energy.
3. Enjoy the moment. Life goes by way to fast. Take time to enjoy and cherish life’s simple moments because you can’t get them back.
4. You get what you pay for. Taking the easy or cheap road isn’t worth it. You’ll end up spending even more time and even more money fixing your mistake(s).
5. Try new things. Be open to new foods, travel destinations, experiences, etc. Don’t be so quick to write something off. Give it a try; you might like actually like it!
6. Say no. Sometimes you have to say no to certain things. Accept the fact that you can’t do everything you want. That’s life.
7. Don’t be afraid to fail. Failure is proof that you’re trying. You may fail before you succeed, but that’s not a reason to give up. Failure builds character.
8. Friends are there for a reason and a season. Understand that everyone who comes in your life isn’t meant to be there for a lifetime. There are a few friends who will be there ’til the end but meeting new people and finding new friends is natural. It means your evolving.
9. Appreciate good friends. Those few friends from #9 who you know will be there til’ the end, appreciate them. Life is short and a few good friends will help you through just about anything.
10. It’s never too late to become the person you were meant to be. Don’t set a deadline on figuring out who you are. It will take time, but don’t worry – you’ll figure it out.
So tell me, what do you know now that you wish you knew 10 years ago? Is there something on my list that you agree with? Let me know!
As always, thank you for reading and feel free to leave your comments below, or even tweet them to me! Until next time, be blessed & stay safe…XO!
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delilah says
Every last point spoke to me. Too bad we can’t have wisdom in our youth.
Whitney says
Thanks, Delilah. 😉 After writing this I thought, if I had “too much wisdom” at a young age, I wouldn’t have had as much fun, nor would I be the woman I am today. Thank goodness for growth… 😉
Sofia says
Love your post. SO true!
Whitney says
Tanks, Sofia! 🙂
Fabulous 30s says
Great post. And I agree with all of the 10 things. I would tell my self all of them. 🙂 Especialy the first one. :;)
Fabulous 30s
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Whitney says
Thanks, Ana! 😉
Toya | The Limerick Lane says
Toya | The Limerick Lane recently posted…Rah Ali’s Beauty Bar Lounge
Whitney says
LOL! #thetruth 😉
Antionette Blake says
At 52 things are pretty much set at 42 – lol!!!
Antionette Blake recently posted…Midnight Velvet | #Giveaway #ad
Whitney says
Lol! 😉
Glenda @ So What to Twenty says
At 48, number 10 still speaks to me.
Glenda @ So What to Twenty recently posted…Chuck and I
Whitney says
🙂 #10 is my favorite and the one nearest to me as well.
Tiffany Ima says
These are all so very true! Even *sigh* the one about the parents…
Tiffany Ima
Style Honestly
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Whitney says
I know, right?! Didn’t want to admit it but, lol… 😉
Michellette "Mimi" Green says
I love these, some are a constant reminder I still say to myself at 34.
Michellette “Mimi” Green recently posted…Four years and counting – BLOG
Whitney says
Thanks, Mimi! 🙂
lexi @glitter, inc. says
This is such a great post (I especially love number 10!)
lexi @glitter, inc. recently posted…20 Show-Stopping Off-the-Rack Wedding Dresses
Whitney says
Thanks, Lexi! 😉
Kiwi says
These should be called The Facts of Life!
I want #5 to by my life mantra! I love trying new things and experiences. Great post all true.
Kiwi recently posted…{Product Review} Cocotique Beauty Box | featuring Chef Roble
Whitney says
Lol, thanks girl! xo
Nicole Dash says
This is a great list! I nodded my head in agreement with every single one! Number 10, however, really resonated with me. Thanks for sharing. “It’s never too late to become the person you were meant to be.”
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Whitney says
Thanks, Nicole! #10 speaks volumes to me as well!
KG says
You hit everything right on the nail for me.
But I guess we will never learn if we don’t go through the experiences and the issues as I’m sure 10 years from now, we will learn ever more new things.
Keep it Touched,
Whitney says
Thanks, KG! 🙂 Life is all about growing and learning. XO!
Phyllis M Alston says
Hello Whitney,
What a great idea. There are about 100 things I wish I knew 10 years ago, that I know now. But, some of my favorites are:
#1: Things take longer than you think
#2: Progress over Perfection
#3: If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck – it ain’t a chicken.
#4: Take daily action
#5: People don’t hear what you say, they hear what they are thinking while you are talking.
#6: 600mg of ibuprofen works just as good as motrin- and it’s cheaper (for those special lady’s days)
#7: Live In The Moment (Enjoy the Moment)
#8: Sometimes you just have to walk out of people’s lives, even if some of these people are related to you.
#9: Create a support team of good people
#10: Choose what to say yes to.
Thanks for reminding me of just how marvelous the journey of life can be. -Peace & Blessings !, Phyllis
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Whitney says
I love your list, Phyllis! Thank you for sharing. #7, I love. Living in the moment and enjoying the moment is very important. Life goes by so fast…xo!
Wave says
LOVE LOVE LOVE this post!! You really rounded up a good core set, especially the first one lol. The older I get the more I realize that I AM my mother, which I’m totally ok with because she’s my favorite 🙂
Wave recently posted…OOTD: B+W Polka Dots
Whitney says
Thanks, Wave! And like you, I am becoming my mother. And I love it too! 🙂