Ever since I was a child, I had a passion for writing. I wrote my 1st short story in 4th grade and having my teacher bind and publish it for the whole school to read was a MAJOR moment in my 4th grade life, lol. I also remember “playing store” with my cousins and friends when I was little. I’d have them act as customers while I rang up their items. The items in this case were Bibles, Encyclopedia’s, pens and whatever else happened to be in my grandfathers office/library. Fast forward years later and I’m still pretty much doing the same things; writing and “playing store”. Granted, the writing and store playing is now on a different level. But I have yet to stray from what intrigued and inspired me as a child. This leads me to sharing my 7 tips on pursuing your passion.
7 Tips on Pursuing Your Passion
1. Think about what you enjoyed doing as a child. Did you enjoy writing poems? What about telling jokes? Maybe you enjoyed knitting and making crafts with your grandmother. Think about those things to get your mind going in the right direction. Think about how you felt doing those activities. If it made you happy or brought you joy, that’s a good place to start.
2. Write/create an action plan. Get a journal, notepad or notebook and write! Write down your goals, plans, dreams, things that inspire you, etc. Create a plan for yourself and figure out how you’re going to pursue your passion. Are you going to open an online store to sell your homemade items? Write it down. Also, list your short term and long term goals.
3. Keep your day job. It may sound obvious but, don’t quit your day job to pursue your passion if you cannot afford it. Let’s be honest, not many of us have the luxury of working on our passion full-time. But that doesn’t mean it will never happen. Keep working and doing your best where you are, while working towards making your passion a full-time job.
4. Research. Find articles, blog posts and anything else that has to do with your passion. Become an expert at whatever it is you want to pursue. If you can’t afford to subscribe to magazines, head to the library. They have a ton of magazines and while some may be outdated, they still have useful information on a plethora of topics. Also, sign up form FREE seminars and participate in twitter chats and Google Hangouts that pertain to your passion.
5. Find a mentor. If you admire someone, reach out to them. Let them know you notice what they’re doing and don’t be afraid to tell them how they’ve inspired you. Build a relationship with that person and be sure to stay in contact through emailing, text messaging, phone conversations, etc. NOTE: Be genuine and speak from your heart. People can sense insincerity and people can spot a suck-up a mile away.
6. Network. Going back to #4, research and find out about networking opportunities in your area. Being around like-minded creatives feeds your passion. This is crucial in pursing your passion. Check out this post for more reasons why networking is important.
7. Don’t give up. Finding and realizing your passion can be exhilarating and tough at the same time. There will be times when you can’t give your all to your passion because of prior obligations. And you may run into people who doubt your passion. Do not let that stop you. Keep going, keep thriving, and remember how great your passion makes you feel.
So tell me, how are you pursuing your passion? Is there something holding you back? Let me know!
Let’s keep the conversation going and let’s inspire and motivate one another! If you have any topics or questions you want me to discuss here on WNJ, feel free to contact me! I’d love to get your feedback/or questions! As always, thanks for reading and until next time, be blessed and stay safe…XO!
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Nice post Whitney! And, you look chic in your classic b/w.
Glenda @ So What to Twenty recently posted…A Girl Can Dream…Weekend in Napa!
Thanks so much, Glenda! 🙂
Great tips Whitney! I used to write (had a poem published), and I would play store in my room too! Haha! Great post. Xo.
Amberly recently posted…STYLE: PALAZZO PANTS
Thanks, girlie! Glad to see I’m not the only one who played store, haha!
Such wise words…my passion as a child was teaching and I am now coming full circle!
Antionette Blake recently posted…Girl’s Night Out | The Money School of Delaware
Thanks, sis! I can see that you’re fully enjoying yourself at the Money School. I know you’re great!
Wow! You and I are like minded in that we have been writing since we were young, like fashion. There is no better way to share our passion than through blogging. I have a passion for writing and publishing novels. I actually wrote 2 in a half novels from the age of 12-16 then started another one but got writers block. What holds me back from publishing them is my fear for how immature they are, it costs money to have an editor, publish, and I just don’t have the time or creative juices like I did. I hope when I am an empty nester I can pursue it again and include life experiences or values I learned through life. Good post! Thank you Whitney.
Rachel Garay recently posted…Birthday outfit
Great minds! 😉 Thanks for the comment, Rachel. So funny bc I have a novel I have been wanting to finish but I too have been a bit fearful of the full process. In due time… 😉
Looking amazing in this outfit my dear. I love your tips for persuing your passion. I’ve been thinking a lot latelly about my passion and what I would like to do in live (what makes me happy) and your tips are great help. Thank you for sharing.
Fabulous 30s
Fabulous 30s recently posted…Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia Floods!!
Thanks, Ana! Wishing you all the best. Whatever it is you’re thinking about, go for it! 🙂
I think that #3 is key. It’s awesome to dream but you still have to be practical and realize you have to take care of some basics!
Alissa recently posted…Just Hold On We’re Going Home
Very true, Alissa. Thanks for stopping by…xo!
I love this outfit and this post! Such great tips 🙂
Thanks for linking up last week, I hope to see you tomorrow!
Tiffany Ima
Style Honestly
No prob, Tiffany! Ad thank you for being so inspiring. I actually used one of your quotes in today’s post. It was right on time. XO!
I love how you mention to keep your day job. I think that is vitally important when pursuing your dream, because as Jon Acuff mentions in his book Quitter, your bills will become your new boss if you don’t have a job to pay the bills. Love this post, such great inspiration! 🙂
Jessi Fearon (@TheBudgetMama) recently posted…7 Reasons Why Your Budget isn’t Working
Love that quote, Jessi. Thanks for sharing!