Warm, down to earth and focused are just 3 words to describe today’s #FearlessWoman, Danielle Lewis. A Baltimore native, Danielle is the extremely talented makeup artists and creative force behind Danielle Lewis Beauty. I admire her realistic outlook on what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur as well as her approach to makeup artistry. She focuses on making her clients look and feel their best!
As one of Hello Beautiful’s 30 Under 30 women, it’s safe to say that Danielle’s future is very bright! I look forward to watching her grow as a business woman and as a brand. Check out her interview below to find out more about this #FearlessWoman and be inspired!
1. What’s a typical day for Danielle?
If I’m not working I’m sending emails to contacts, doing research for upcoming projects and opportunities and pitching myself and my brand for more work. As a freelance professional, I’m never really off. My job is 50% creating new business and 50% executing and painting people. If it’s a Thursday afternoon, I’m at story time with my mini me. On Thursday’s, I only work for her after 3pm 🙂
2. What inspired you to create Danielle Lewis Beauty & That Beauty Blog?
I love beauty, products and people. I love doing makeup because it gets you close to people. I’ve talked about EVERYTHING with my clients. I also really love the “service” part of what I do. I like helping people and being a part of their transformation. I started blogging because I was talking my clients’ heads off about any & all things beauty so I figured I would run my mouth on the Internet too.
3. Who are your top 3 women inspirations, famous or non-famous, and why?
My mom is number 1. She is 100% herself and I love that about her. She’s so consistent. Having her as a mom has given me the confidence to really be myself. She raised me alone and now that I’m a mom, I love and respect her even more! Super lucky she’s mine.
Oprah because she’s Oprah and because she literally came from nothing and built an empire. She’s a constant reminder that it’s not how you start but how you finish (and she’s not even finished yet)!
Myleik Teele, founder of Curlbox, because she’s a young woman making it happen and she’s honest about her journey. I’ve never met her, although I’d love to one day, but through her social media presence, she continually inspires me. Her honesty about making it happen for your self is so awesome!
4. One piece of advice you have for women entrepreneurs?
We have to value the process. I have to remind myself of that everyday. We have to stop looking for quantum leaps. I read a quote from James Dyson (on Myleik’s Instagram) about this topic that states, “…there are no quantum leaps. Only dogged persistence- and in the end you make it look like a quantum leap.” Working hard consistently, everyday is the only way to arrive at our destinations prepared for what will meet us there. Period. We all have to get comfortable with that idea.
5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I worked in marketing before entering the beauty industry and I’d love to return to marketing with a beauty focus. I love the idea of getting into beauty product development and seeing products through from start to finish. And of course still painting people. I would also love to be doing national beauty segments sharing beauty tips and tricks with the masses!
Keep Up With Danielle
Great series Whitney and AWESOME feature. Thanks for sharing.
Thrifting Diva
Ayana Pitterson recently posted…long cardigan + thrifted head to toe
Thanks, Ayana! I’m so glad you’re enjoying this series! 🙂
Danielle is beautiful inside and out! Great pick for your #FEARLESSWOMAN FEATURE!
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