Today’s #FearlessWoman feature is someone I often refer to as a BFF in my head. My husband knows this to be true, lol. Mattie James, the Life & Style Influencer and Content Creator behind Mattieologie, has been on my radar since I started my blog journey. Not only do we share the same last name, pretty cool I know, but we also share the same philosophy about life – Live What You Love. Along with her zestful approach to life, Mattie is also a devoted wife, mother and successful entrepreneur.
* Editors Note: Mattie’s website is now *
Mattie shares great tips and life hacks on how to juggle life as a busy mom, as well as how to effortlessly achieve being an on-the-go #FearlessWoman. Good, bad or in between, Mattie is candid about many of her life happenings, yet she still manages to have a sense of mystery about her. It’s really a perfect balance and I believe that mystery is what keeps readers coming back for more. Mattie has inspired me to become a more intentional content creator and a better human being overall; for that I’m forever grateful. Read ahead to find out more about this Atlanta based entrepreneur – I’m sure you’ll be inspired afterwards!
What’s a typical day for Mattie?
I try to get my day started by 6-6:30 a.m. the latest. Depending on whether or not the baby had us up a couple times during the night, I usually hit that goal. I wash my face, drink some water and then pray for about 10-15 minutes. I take the next 5 minutes to journal what I’m grateful for. By then, if Hubs and Babyologie are still sleep, I’ll get 15 minutes of yoga in, shower and have a quick breakfast. By then, an hour has passed and I get the baby ready for her day. By 8, she and her father are out the door. I then answer any emails I need to and start attacking my things to do list. I send my tasks over to my assistant, Krissy, the night before and she has it ready to go in our Evernote chat by 7 a.m. each morning. I’m at my laptop until noon and in the afternoon I like to do active tasks – film video, finish work at a coffee shop, visit cute boutiques in the city for inspiration and potential posts, etc. By 5, I wrap up work and get dinner ready. Once 6:30-7 p.m. hits, I’m in full wife and mommy mode.
What inspired you to create Mattieologie?
Growing up, I was always really into magazines and books. I’m certainly my mother and father’s child. My mom subscribed to many magazines and my dad was never without a book. I loved the photography and layout elements of magazines, and my Dad introduced me to books Think & Grow Rich and How To Read Twice As Fast. As I look back, ingesting that kind of content in my formative years is how I got to creating the kind of content I do for my blog today. I love having flexibility and being able to create my own schedule to maximize the time I have with my family. The goal of creating a blog was always to have my own business.
Who are your top 3 women inspirations, famous or non-famous, and why?
My mom. She’s like one of the most likeable human beings on the planet. But the powerful thing about my mom is that she’s likeable AND respectable. Not many people can balance those two things. And her commitment to presentation – be it her home or outfit – is always impressive.
My sister, Maya (of She’s an entrepreneur herself with a fantastic blog. But it’s cool to see the person you grew up in the same house as, bring the things she said she was going to do to life. There’s power in that. Ultimately, we all want to accomplish the things we say we will.
Sarah Jessica Parker. Obviously, for SATC fan reasons. But as I’ve watched her grow she’s always been incredibly down to earth and delightful. She treads the line of being stylish & funny PERFECTLY. Society has a way of telling a woman that she can only be one of these things – funny or stylish. SJP rewrote the rules and conquers both seamlessly.
One piece of advice you have for women entrepreneurs?
Respect the process. I get it. We have AMAZING ideas that we want to get out NOW. Like, yesterday. But we have to respect our idea by respecting the process to bring it to life. I know. Some of us still have 9 to 5 jobs. Some of us are wives. Some of us are moms. But don’t short change yourself for the sake of time. And on the other side of that coin, once you’ve gone through the process of making something good, put it out there. Don’t overthink, just do. Start and get better as you go along. Sometimes the process is that simple. So, respect that.
What is your definition of a #FearlessWoman?
Someone who moves forward with her ideas and plans regardless of fear. Fear is inevitable because we’re human. A woman without fear isn’t impressive. A woman who pulls it off regardless of fear? That’s someone I want to know and learn from. Making things happen takes the kind of strength and courage which makes fear null and void.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Smarter than I am now. I honestly just want to be doing EXACTLY what I do now on a larger scale, helping more women. An office space would great, too. I’d like to have another baby and take 2-3 family vacations a year without having to worry about rushing home for “work.” Happy, fulfilled, grateful, active – that’s exactly where I see myself.
How can we keep you with you?
Great feature! I am definitely in awe at how Mattie does it all and getting a glimpse into her process was eye-opening! I’ve been blogging about hair care for almost 6 years now (wow as I write that) but just now starting to get serious with it and making strides to transform it into a viable source of income.
I appreciate this feature as inspiration to keep pushing on! xo
Jocelyn Reneé recently posted…Tips for Properly Shampooing Locs at Home
Thanks, Jocelyn. She’s been such an inspiration to me since I started. Happy to share a little bit of her story. 🙂
I agree with her statement. ..” A woman without fear isn’t impressive. ”
Embracing our vulnerable state is strength. Great read, Whitney!
Glenda recently posted…Island Fever + A Surprise!
Yes, that was one of my favorites as well!
Wow, such a cool interview. She is beautiful, inspirational, and fearless! I can totally see why you selected her.
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
😉 Thanks, Amy!
She sounds like an amazing woman. She is so beautiful and has an amazing style.
March and May
She really is. Thanks for reading!
Mattie is amazing! I’ve been following her blog for quite some time. She always drops knowledge and is fashionable while doing it!
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