Have you ever heard the phrase, “find your groove”? Well in today’s post, I want to talk about how I’m finding my groove in life, business and marriage. I’m nowhere close to figuring out this thing called life but then again, who is? I do however feel like I’m coming into my own as a young woman and I’m really excited about my growth. My day to day life involves a lot and I’m learning how to manage time, finances and relationships. So how have I found my groove? What’s the secret? No secret, just learning as I go. But there are a few things I can share.
Finding My Groove in Life: I’ve found that daily morning prayer, writing to-do-lists, and having regular chats with my mother and other close friends has helped me find balance in life. As hectic as the work week can be, there’s nothing like taking a moment to yourself and saying a little prayer. You already know how I feel about to-do-lists from this post – they’re EVERYTHING! Lol…:-) Talking and venting to my mom and close friends gives me another perceptive on certain situations. It also brings us closer and gives us a chance to catch up. Even if it’s a Facebook or Google chat, a text or a phone call, having someone to talk to is necessary in order to find balance in life. The older I get, the more I realize that genuine connections and friendships are imperative for a healthy and balanced life.
Finding My Groove in Business: As a small business owner and blogger, I’ve realized that reading and researching your craft is so important. You’d be surprised at how much you can learn by just doing a google search on “Blogging Tips”, “Small Business Startups”, etc. Being apart of a blogging group has helped me find my groove in business as well. As an active member of Bloggers Like Me, I’ve learned so much about SEO, Social Media Trends and more! I’ve also made connections (and unexpected bonds) with people who share the same interests as I do. If you’re serious about blogging or starting a business, start reading and find out what works for you. Once you get the hang of certain things, you too will find your groove – I’m sure of it.
**Check out this article for tips on startup business, this one if you want to know how to “properly” use Google+, and this article about the importance of promoting old blog posts. I found these (and so many more) very helpful!**
Finding My Groove in Marriage: In February, Darrius and I will be married for 9 months. In NO WAY am I a relationship expert, but I know what works for us. I’m finding that little things like planning meals, dates and couple activities has put us on the right track to having a strong(er) and healthy marriage. There are still days when I’m overwhelmed with work and blogging and I may not be able to cook a nice hot meal. But those are the days when he steps in. We have a cooking schedule that has been (kind of) working for us, as well as planned date nights. I mean heck, we plan everything else in our lives. Why not plan date nights? It gives us both something to look forward to and it holds us accountable. All these little things have played a huge part in helping me find my groove in marriage. There are several other things I could share but, I’ll save that for another post. 🙂
So tell me, have you found your groove in these areas? Are you still trying to find your groove in a certain area? Let me know!
Thanks in advance for sharing! Until tomorrow, be blessed…XO!
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