I was chatting with my Mom the other day and I realized that I’d been blogging for about 5 years now. WOW! I still can’t believe it sometimes. When I started blogging I had no clue how many opportunities would present themselves and I didn’t know how much about myself I’d learn. It’s always rewarding looking back and realizing that this hard work really is paying off. So today I thought it’d be helpful to share 5 what I know for sure about blogging tips.
1. It Takes a Village. I wouldn’t have started blogging if my husband hadn’t nudged me to publish my thrift store findings and tips. Without my parents constant support and idea sessions, I’d have no direction. My 13-year-old sister pours ideas out on a daily basis, and she’s a big help when it comes to editing my content. Even my grandmother has chimed in on the edits and content ideas. My fellow bloggers (in and outside of the DMV area) have helped me articulate blog post ideas, and of course you (the readers) have given me SO much support throughout the years. From emails, tweets, messages, blog post comments, and even stopping by at events to say hi have been a source of inspiration…it means the world to me. And I would not be such a dedicated blogger without my entire village. THANK YOU!
2. It Takes Time. Like most of us, I had that microwave mentality when I first started blogging. I just knew I was going to be an overnight sensations. HA! Not even. It takes time and endurance to be a committed, trusted blogger. The quality of your content depends on your consistency and effort, and taking your time is a big part of that. Also, valuing your time is crucial. Are you attending certain events to be seen or is there really a purpose to you being there? If there isn’t, you could be spending your time doing something to enhance your craft. Be mindful of how your spending your time as a creative (entrepreneur) and take your time when working to get to the top of your game.
3. It’s All About Relationships. At the core, I’m a loner. I don’t prefer crowds, but you’d never know it. When I socialize and network, I make it a point to meet 3 new people wherever I am. And by meeting them I mean getting (and remembering) their full name, business name, and walking away with a business card. Building relationships with (the right) people is also a key factor in being successful. Relationship building takes time, and it also requires a follow up with the people you’ve met. Mattieologie has some great tips on how to be taken seriously when you haven’t made it yet that you may find helpful. She also has a podcast (Ask Mattie) that answers a lot of questions you may have about blogging. Check it out!
4. Learn, Be Social & Enjoy the Ride. I don’t like school/classroom settings. I get that, understand it and I’ve accepted it. However, I love to learn. It’s like air for me; a necessity. Learning tips and tricks form other successful bloggers, as well as the in’s and outs of entrepreneurship has been awesome, especially since the beginning of the year. Attending seminars (online and in person), traveling to conferences and meeting like-minded people has allowed me to step outside of my comfort zone and really grow. Deciding to blog with a purpose and with intention was the best decision I’ve made, and since I’ve done that I’ve been enjoying the ride a lot more. Be social, get out there and find classes and activities that will enhance your career and better you as a person. It’s worth it, trust me.
5. Everyone will not wish you well, and that’s OK. This is the toughest pill I’ve had to swallow, but in some strange way it’s been satifying. I have become more aware of those people around me and have made a conscious effort to only have people in my circle who not necessarily agree with everything I say, but respect me and want the best for me. Time is everything and spending it with people who have your best interests at heart is crucial. Everyone won’t be on your team and everyone won’t root for you. It’s fine. Accept that, understand that it’s part of life, and don’t take it personal. Don’t let it break you; keep going and remember your purpose.
So tell me, what do you know for sure about blogging? Anything I mentioned resonate with your journey? Let me know!
As I said yesterday, be sure to sign up for my newsletter. I’ll be sending out free printables and resources for blogging and entrepreneurship. It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while, so why not now?? As always thanks for reading and keeping up with me on social media. Until Monday, be blessed and stay safe…XO!
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** Linkups: Garay Treasures **
Well said Whitney and congrats on 5 years! Truly enjoy visiting your blog!
robincharmagne recently posted…eShakti Gets A New Look
Thanks, Robin! I so appreciate your support!
Awesome post! #1 and #2, and #5 are definitely resonating with me. And I need to work on #3 and #4! Thanks for the tips!
Kasi recently posted…Printed Romper + Fringe + Gladiators
Thanks, Kasi! 🙂
Wow, almost five years blogging! That’s awesome! Congrats. I’ve been blogging for a year and a half and I can tell you there’s definitely ups and downs. The tips that resonated with me the most were # 2, 4, and 5. Especially the “keep going and remember your purpose”. Thanks for sharing with us!
Ivete recently posted…Comfy and Cool
Thank you! And thanks for coming by to read! I really appreciate it. 🙂
You hit the nail on the head! The biggest lesson I had to learn as well was “don’t take it personal”. It can be a tough pill to swallow but once you get over that you’ve already made great strides. Congrats on 5 years.
Vashti (veepeejay.com) recently posted…How To Create A Natural Hair Regimen
Thanks so much, Vashti! Not taking it personal is the biggest thing I’ve had to learn too. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Hi, just got the link to this post from the BLM group. Humbled at always to be surrounded by so much talent and experience. I have been blogging on and off for a few years but i only started being serious in the last year and a bit.
My biggest lesson from this post is that it takes time to become a trusted source of information. I realised that this is what success means to me.
I will be listening to the podcast you just suggested.
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