Thrift shopping is so much fun, but it can be a l o n g and sometimes unsuccessful process. Why? I know 5 reason you don’t have successful thrift shopping trips, for sure. Because I want you (all) to be successful thrifters, let’s get right to it!
1. You’re not being patient. Patience is the #1 thing you need to have a successful thrifting trip. Rushing to find that perfect item just won’t cut it. Set aside a certain time for the thrift trip, take your time and stroll down each and every aisle. Look on all the racks, try things on, snap pics, and enjoy the process.
2. You’re staying in one section. I like to call myself a section hopper. I constantly hop from one section to the next while thrifting. The men’s section is actually one of my favorite places to shop for over-sized sweaters and button ups. Another section to check out is lingerie. You can find some AMAZING kimono-like pieces for every day styling.
3. You’re not using your imagination. There are times when I see an item and think, “what the heck can I do with this??” Use your imagination and think outside the box. A vintage belt that’s too small to fit your waist is the perfect item to wear as a necklace. 😉
4. You’re not thrifting on the right days. Most thrift stores have sale/discount days. Be sure to ask the associates when those days are and make a mental note. They may even have a flyer or card with that information listed. Grab one and keep it in your wallet or car for future reference.
5. You don’t have the right attitude/mindset. When thrifting, BE POSITIVE and BE OPEN! It may take a few trips to really get the hang of it, but once you got it you’re good. Be positive while shopping and open to the possibilities of finding unique (and sometimes one of a kind) items.
So tell me, do you have successful thrift shopping trips? What are some tips to make thrifting easier and more enjoyable? Let me know!
As always, thanks for dropping by today! I have a thrifting cheat sheet I’d like to send you so be sure to sign up here. Also, there will be a #ThriftWithNic announcement coming soon. Be on the look out for that! Until tomorrow, be blessed and stay safe…XO!
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