Lately, I’ve been really paying attention to who I follow on social media. I’ve come to the conclusion that it doesn’t make sense to follow everyone on every platform. There are very few people I choose to follow on multiple outlets. Nothing personal, it’s just my preference. It’s simple; I like to follow people who are positive, encouraging (without being preachy or redundant) stylish and helpful. If you can give me that on all platforms, great! If not, I’ll pick the platform that inspires me most and follow there. That being said, here are 3 reasons you don’t need to follow everyone everywhere.
1. It can be overwhelming. Have you ever followed someone who posts the same images and posts, 24-7, on every outlet?? The redundancy is a lot and while some people prefer that posting tactic, I’m not a fan. I like pictures and quotes, but not the same ones on every social media outlet. Pay attention to the posting patterns of those you follow and decide which outlet you can “deal with”.
2. It can become a distraction. Following someone everywhere can be a bit distracting. Recently I started noticing that I was missing out on some pretty good posts/announcements on Twitter. After sifting through my news feed, I saw there was a lot of “fluff” on my feed. That was causing a distraction and at the end of the day, I was missing out on some pretty helpful content. Check your feed and be sure you’re not being distracting and missing out on valuable content.
3. Every social media outlet has a purpose. I like Instagram for visuals, Twitter for conversation/engaging, Facebook for a little bit of everything, Pinterest for a recipe, home decor, and #OOTD ideas/pics, and Periscope for live interaction. Those who use each outlet “the right way”, I appreciate. Decide what you like to see from those you follow and pick your favorite way to follow.
So tell me, do you follow everyone everywhere on social media? If so, why or why not? Let me know!
Thanks for stopping by and as always, feel free to keep up with me this weekend on social media. You don’t have to follow everywhere though, LOL! Pick your fave outlet and I’ll be there. Have a wonderful weekend and until Monday, be blessed and stay safe…XO!
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Chakayla says
This is an awesome way to look at things! I totally appreciate your outlook on social media!
Whitney says
Thanks, love!
Bobbie says
Heyyy Whitney! I don’t follow everyone on all outlets, however where the individual is active the most is where I will follow. Your outlook on each handle is how I view it as well. Good post, Whitney! I see you girl.
Bobbie recently posted…Vacation: Miami South Beach
Whitney says
Aw, thanks Bobbie! I love social media so I’m thrilled to see others enjoy my take on it. Thanks for reading!
Glenda says
Great post and I agree. I have found some of the folks to be too much with constant scoping. Do you really have that much to say, or do they just like hearing themselves talk. I’m finding myself backing off from some platforms because it’s taking up too much time. In other words, I’m being more conservative with my choices.
Glenda recently posted…Snake Charmer
Whitney says
Thanks, Glenda! I agree; more conservative with who to follow is a great way to put it!
Siobhan (BeFree Project) says
Great post! You make some great points in this post. I agree it can be redundant if you’re following the same person on all platforms and they post the same stuff. I have a bad habit of posting the same content to all platforms so I will start doing better with making sure I treat each outlet differently. I have some people that I need to unfollow on certain platforms and I hope they don’t take it personally. Thanks for sharing!
Whitney says
Thank you! And yea, I am learning what to post where on which platform too.
Amy Ann says
I found I was having negative feelings about myself or comparing and realized some of it was because of social media. I had to unfollow some of the “bigger” bloggers for a little while and also took some of the apps of my phone to give myself a bit of a breather. You have to be careful or it can take over!
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
Whitney says
YES! I’ve done the same thing, Amy. Great point.
Charlene says
Totally agree! I’ve had to do the same things. Comparison is a killer…sometimes you just have to do your own thing without the distraction of what everyone else is doing.
Oh to Be a Muse says
Yes it makes sense to follow certain bloggers on certain platforms — the ones that they’re best at. And like Amy Ann said, I stopped following a lot of the bigger bloggers on many outlets because I realized they helping, but hindering, my experience as a blogger.
Oh to Be a Muse recently posted…Melanin & Color
Whitney says
Thanks for reading! And yes, LOVED Amy’s point.
Shannon says
I agree, it can be overwhelming and a lot of times people repeat themselves on various social outlets.
Whitney says
Overwhelming, indeed!
Kasi says
All very good points! I tend to follow people on at least two of their social media outlets. Instagram will always be my all-time fav! I agree with you about Twitter, your timeline can get very clouded if you follow too many people! I also tend to use Twitter mainly for RTs, and I must admit, I get a little RT happy on certain share days because I’m RTing other bloggers who share in a group post, but that only happens a couple of days of the week, max. Lol.
Kasi recently posted…Amiclubwear Swimsuit Review
Whitney says
Thanks, love! I get RT happy sometimes too, LOL!
Joi @InMyjoi says
I have the EXACT same personal preference! There are very few who I chose to follow on multiple platforms of social media. If I like your style, writing ability, or otherwise, I will follow you on at least one platform. Seeing the same things over and over again on multiple platforms annoys me, although I completely understand its purpose 😉
Tonya says
Very good post.