Remember my slight obsession with audiobooks? Well, I’m still slightly obsessed – nothing has changed there. However, I’m really getting into podcasts lately. They’re GREAT and there are so many to choose from. If you’re not 100% sure what a podcast is, it’s a pretty simple concept to digest. According Google, a podcast is a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or portable media player, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically. In laymen’s terms, it’s a topical series “talk show” that you can download on iTunes and listen to from your computer or smartphone. That said, here are 5 podcasts to listen to, like right now.
* See Also: 5 Motivating Podcasts
1. Myleik Teele – As the founder and CEO of curlBox, Myleik’s advice and inspiring words are nothing short of amazing. I started listening to her podcasts last September. I was searching for something motivational to listen to during my lunch break. Of course, I took to social media and found out about Myleik’s podcast on, #MyTaughtYou. I’m a fan of her no-nonsense business and life advice and I regularly check her Instagram hashtag #mytaughtyou for new books to read, places to travel and more.
2. Daily Hope – I ventured over to the religious & spiritual podcasts and found this amazing and uplifting source. I’ve been a fan of Rick Warren since his phenomenal book, Purpose Driven Life. That book literally began my “live on purpose” transformation and I’m sure this podcast will only enhance my spiritual wellness. Right now Warren is going through a series on transformation. Each episode is a 25 minute expert of his sermon, so it’s like being able to take church with you wherever you go.
3. The Potter’s Touch – Like Warren, T.D. Jakes shares excerpts of his sermons. His delivery is strong and powerful – there’s no way you can listen and not be blessed. Every time I listen to an episode I literally feel like I’m sitting right in front of him. I suggest this podcast (and Rick Warren’s) to those who may not have a church home, but still want to be fed the Word of God.
4. TED Radio Hour – If you’ve ever listened to or watched TED Talks then you have a pretty good idea of what this podcast is about. According to their website, the podcast is based on Talks given by riveting speakers on the world-renowned TED stage, each show is centered on a common theme and injects soundscapes and conversations that bring these ideas to life. Hosted by Guy Raz, some of the topics so far have included the power of branding, ways to find quiet in our busy lives, and much more.
5. Mattie & Chris – From the first episode I was hooked! It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Mattie James and her lifestyle blog, Mattieologie. She’s actually been featured on WNJ and her interview was pretty awesome, if I do say so myself. The husband and wife duo, Mattie & Chris, talk about everything from their charming life as parents, current events, relationships and more. I really enjoy hearing both a man and woman’s perspective on different topics.
So tell me, are you a fan of podcasts? If so, which ones are your favorites? Let me know!
Thanks for reading and until next time, be blessed and stay safe…XO!
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Thanks for the info Whitney! I will definitely give them all a try!
ADRIENNE recently posted…ON THE WEEKEND: Cute Tops
Whitney says
No problem! Let me know if you like them. 🙂