I’m big on having daily routines and adopting positive habits. Doing this has helped make my life better and not to mention, less stressful. Sure, life doesn’t always go the way we plan. But it’s still nice to practice good habits and set routines. It makes the day run so much smoother.
All year I’ve been tweaking my routines and practicing different positive habits. Today, I want to share 11 things you should do every day to live a better life. I’d never tell you to do something that I haven’t done or practiced so yes, I truly strive to do these 11 things on a daily basis.
Related: 11 Ways to Have a Better Day
1. Journal & Express Gratitude | I’ve mentioned this several times, but after my morning prayer and devotions, I journal. Even if I’m short on time, I always make sure to jot down at least 3 things I’m grateful for before starting the day. Doing this puts a smile on my face and definitely puts things into perspective.
2. Feed Your Mind Something Positive | I’m always listening to upbeat and positive songs during the morning hours, but I’ve recently started listening to podcasts and certain audiobooks in the a.m. I’m in the car a lot during the beginning of my work days, so I usually turn on one of my favorite entrepreneurial or lifestyle podcasts.
Related: The Morning Playlist You Need to Have an Amazing Day
4. Drink Water | Before tea, coffee or juice I have a glass or bottle of water. We all know the benefits of drinking water, but I will say that increasing my water intake has done wonders for my skin and energy.
5. Move Your Body | Setting aside the time to go for a 1-mile walk or do a 30-minute workout is everything! Doing those activities is yet another energy booster. Walking is so therapeutic for me. It helps clear my mind and calms my spirit. Working out is a great way to get out any frustrations from the day.
6. Read Something | I think it’s SO important to read something, every day. Even if it’s an online article or a short devotional, exercise your mind by reading on daily basis.
7. Genuinely Compliment Someone | This random act of kindness is something I started doing a few months ago. Genuinely complementing someone can do so much for their confidence. I know how great I feel when others genuinely compliment me, so to return the favor to someone else is the least I can do.
8. Moisturize | I mean, who doesn’t want soft, supple and clear skin? Find a moisturizer that works for your skin type and slather it on, day and night. Don’t forget your neck too!
Related: 5 Things to do at Night to Prepare for Tomorrow
9. Say, “I love you.” | Simply put, life is way too short not to tell those you love that you do. If you don’t already, tell those you love “I love you” every day.
10. Sit in Silence | Most days, when I get home from work, I sit or lay across my bed and close my eyes. I don’t turn on the TV or look at my phone. I just lay or sit in silence for at least 20 minutes. Doing this is a great way to download from the crazy or busy day you’ve just had. It also helps unwind and relax your body in preparation for the evening.
11. Set Intentions for Tomorrow | Don’t wait for tomorrow to plan for tomorrow. Take a few moments each evening to set your intentions for the next day. This small task will help you feel more be prepared and it will leave you less stressed the next morning.
So tell me, what are some things you do every day to help make your life a little better? Let me know!
Thanks, as always, for reading and commenting. I really enjoy sharing inspirational and lifestyle posts with you. It not only helps me continue to strive to live a positive and uplifting life, but I’ve also seen it inspire others to do the same. If you want even more uplifting and inspirational messages, in a more condensed version, keep up with me on social media! Until next time, be blessed and stay safe…XO!
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Thanks for sharing – I’m going to make a note of these and try to start doing them. Right now I just feel so sad every day, I wake up in the morning and dread the hours ahead, and I don’t know how to change that.
Lyddiegal recently posted…Sicky Eyewear
No problem…and thank YOU for reading. I hope your days/mornings become a little better once you implement some of these practices. It’s tough, and definitely takes time, but I will say that having a routine of some sort has drastically changed the way I feel and go about my days (for the better). Let me know how things go…xo!
Great tips!! I always Thank God when my eyes are open, before I get of bed each and everyday.
Neti recently posted…Link Luv
Thanks for reading, Neti! And yes, same here. As soon as my eyes open I make sure to thank Him! 🙂
What a great list!!! I agree with 100% of these! I have just recently started making it a goal to read something (even if I can’t read a whole chapter!) every day, and it’s crazy how much more mentally alive and reflective I feel throughout the rest of the day.
Totally recommending this list;)
Thanks so much, Casey! And I’m learning that it’s OK not to read a whole chapter; a little bit of reading still counts. 😉
I love this!! I stumbled upon your blog while I was looking up cute plus size outfits about an hour ago! Thank you love!
Stay beautiful!!
B. Ieisha
B. Ieisha recently posted…What’s The Word? #ShamelessSunday
Thanks, so much! I’m so glad you decided to read and stay a while. I really appreciate it. 🙂 THANK YOU!
Hi, Whitney
Most of these are also on my 5 morning habits that I do everyday, like exercise, journaling, reading. I love your suggestion of “I love you”, compliments & silence.
One thing I would add as a health coach is to start your day with a substantial & healthy breakfast. I see too many women grab a liquid breakfast only to crash by 3! Visiting from #smallvictoriesSunday
Yes, a healthy breakfast is a must! I totally agree. Thank you so much for reading.
Beautiful post dear!
Thanks so much!
Ahhh… sooo refreshing in reading this list and knowing that I do these daily. (Besides, moisturize) Hmmm… I know I could definitely use that!
But SILENCE is VERY vital as I’m amazed at my thought level when I silent! ~Another great list and thanks for sharing!
Isn’t having a routine so refreshing?! It makes my days so much better, really. And YES, silence is truly golden!