As I get ready to enter into a new decade, I keep thinking about the many lessons I’ve learned throughout my 20s. If I shared all of those lessons, we’d be here until my next birthday. So I’ve decided to share just a few. Read ahead to find out 7 life lessons you learn in your 20s.
Related: 10 Things I Wish I Knew 10 Years Ago
1. Know your worth. | If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my 20s it’s to know your worth. It’s imperative to understand that wanting the best for yourself, and expecting nothing less, is exactly what you deserve. Know your worth, know your value and never settle.
2. Nobody really knows what they’re doing. | Truth be told, we’re all just winging it. Simply put, there is no “right way” to go through life. I’ve learned to focus on being the best version of myself, while being kind to others along the way, and leaving the rest up to God.
3. This world owes you nothing. | I’m not a fan of people who feel entitled. The world owes you nothing and we should not live life, expecting the world to give us what we think we deserve. I’ve learned that you have to work, sometimes harder than others, to get what you want/deserve. You get out of life what you put into it. Period.
* SPOILER ALERT * Even if you work your hardest, you still may not get what you want or deserve. Unfortunately, that’s life.
4. The only thing constant is change. | Things, people, and situations change. Throughout my 20s, I’ve had to deal with so many changes. Prayerfully I’ve been able to move forward, but it’s been unbelievably difficult to adjust to certain changes. Your 20s are the perfect time to learn how to become more flexible and open to change.
5. There will always be someone better than you. | In your 20s it’s easy to feel irreplaceable and invincible. Trust me, I’ve been there. But never think you can’t be replaced because you can be. You’re not always going to be everyone’s cup of tea and as they say, there’s always going to be someone better, stronger, or prettier than you. This is why knowing your worth is extremely important. As long as you’re the best version of yourself and you give it everything you’ve got (at all times) you’ll come out of the top every time.
Related: 50 Life Goals in 7 Years
6. You can’t please everyone. | I’ve learned this lesson quite a few times in my 20s. While I respect the opinions of my loved ones, at the end of the day I have to make the best decision(s) for myself. It’s really that simple.
7. Some things should be kept private. | As much as I LOVE sharing my life on social media, I’ve realized that some moments are not meant for the world to see. I’ve learned that although I may be OK with sharing certain things, the other people involved may not want that moment shared. Also, sharing too much with the public leaves room for judgement, speculation and questions. Who wants to deal with any of that? I sure don’t. Trust me, keeping some things to yourself is definitely a good thing.
So tell me, what do you think about my lessons? What are some life lessons you’ve learned in your 20s? Let me know!
Thanks for reading and be sure to share some of the lessons you’ve learned in your 20s below. I can’t wait to read them! Until next time, be blessed and stay safe…XO!
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Dressed2dNines says
There are some things I know now that I definitely wish I’d known back then! Great advice!
Dressed2dNines recently posted…Pink Floral Off-the-shoulder Dress: Weekend Style
Whitney says
Thanks for reading…xo!
March and May says
I love your points (and I wish I read it when I was in my 20s), especially the 6 and your spoil alert. 😉 Great post. And Happy Birthday girl. Welcome to the 30s. I wish you all the best in life.
March and May
Whitney says
Thank you SO much for the birthday wishes! Wishing you all the best as well, always…XO!
districtofchic says
FYI, nobody really knows what they’re doing in their 30s either, lol! Sometimes I have a hard time believing I’m technically an “adult.” Great tips!
District of Chic
Whitney says
😉 HA! I think that’s just a life lesson in general, no matter what age. LOL! Thanks for reading! 😉
Style & Poise says
What a great list! I agree with EVERY single thing! Well-said!
Whitney says
Thanks, Roni!
Tiffani says
That #3, can you say it again. I can’t tell you how many times I have had to tell the ladies I mentor. Thanks for this. I will be sharing it with them. #BLMgirl
Whitney says
Right?!?! 😉 Thanks so much for reading and sharing. I really appreciate it!
KatWalkSF says
Ah yes! I’ve learned them all!
Thanks for sharing!
Whitney says
Awesome! Thank YOU for reading!
robincharmagne says
Great advice for all ages. I totally agree – with the advent of the Internet, I wish people would share less!
robincharmagne recently posted…5 Things To Know About Losing A Loved One
Floortje says
Such a great post dear!